Shay House

What makes you powerful?
I feel most powerful when I’m laughing uncontrollably. So many times, I had to fight to laugh, exist, beloved, and matter. When my laugh and smile slide ever so effortlessly across my face. I am powerful, raw, radiating, magnificent in all of my glory.
What message would you offer for current, former, and future Black and LGBTQ+ young people impacted by the system?
You are brilliant, more than enough, valued, resilient AND you deserved to be loved and cared for. Systems, policies, and practices will play on our strength to negate themselves of their obligations to you, me - us. The child welfare system will at times be difficult for you to navigate and may lead you to question aspects of yourself. Don’t, you are enough. Instead question why a system designed to support, protect, and nurture you. Instead, they make it difficult for you to exist fully as you are. The system is flawed, not you. You are enough. You are emphatically strong, courageous, AND deserving of grace - rest and not having to be strong all the time. As you get older I hope you do not internalize the shortfalls of a system as your own. You are enough, Black, queer, powerful, worthy, tender, but most importantly you - one of a kind. Please hold all of your uniqueness, please do not let anyone beg to question your true majestic self. You are right where you need to be, YOU are ENOUGH!
What is something you want people to know about you
I am Black, brilliant, resilient, passionate, queer, joy, advocate, witty, and embarking on the job market upon graduation in May. I have extensive experience in child welfare policy, public speaking, mobile engagement, and looking for work that allows me to not only strengthen my skills but learn new ones.
Please let me know if you have any leads on opportunities where I can lend my expertise. Check out my most recent project. Also, be on the look for my memoir “Broken Systems Destroy Our Children” dropping at the end of the year.