Dameon Caldwell

What makes you powerful?
I have D.I.D (dis-associative identity disorder) some of you may know it as multiple personality disorder. It’s not what you see in the media, I’m not violent, I’m an LGBT+ advocate, a foster alum, and most of all a difference-maker.
Honestly what I feel makes me so powerful is the fact that no matter what life has thrown my way, I have always managed to overcome. Whether it was foster care itself, racism, identity issues, abuse, and more I always managed to find the light and overcome the issue.
What message would you offer for current, former, and future Black and LGBTQ+ young people impacted by the system?
The biggest message I would offer, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I know it’s cliché but truthfully there are so many alumni and former fosters working on your side. The 2nd thing is to find your allies, find your safe place and your safe friends and hold on to them. Hold on to those that help you feel like you.
It took years of struggling and years of dark nights for me to get to the place I am now, and even now there are still some dark nights and darker days but with an amazing support system, I have thrived.